Thursday 23 May 2013

Talk Review

Remember I told you a bit about multiple intelligences a few weeks back? Well, last week I noticed there seems to be an interest in education in this class. This is why I have selected this task for today.

This week we are taking a look at the TED website:

You can use subtitles in English, please!

You have to visit it, watch Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" ,

 and then write a 200- word review on  points he makes that you found more/less interesting.
Of course, 3 comments are always a must.


  1. The persons of video is very funny he makes me laugh a lot.

  2. I think that parents have an important influence in the development of the intelligence of their sons but sometimes they put their expectative and their own dreams in their sons and that’s not fine because that could influence in the real potential of the kids
    I think that every kid have to find their own talent and explore them
    the video was very interesting

    good bye

  3. I agree with Felipe, but I think that the development of child is a shared responsability, because if your parent respect your own talents but the school and the world in general put limits to your imagination and gift and vice versa you never gonna be a happy and succesful individual.
