Thursday 30 May 2013


Hi guys,

Today, I am sitting here in the lab with no students (16:00), and wondering  why my students are not here.

I am not sure this strike is a response to the national issues on education or if it relates to internal problems  of the faculty.

On the one hand, I understand that striking and demonstrating seem to be the only ways to be listened to in this country. On the other hand, thanks to the strikes and the way in which classes are recuperated, we only see the deterioration of an already weak educational system.
It is very complex to find a happy medium.

Write about the problems here in or in your faculty? Here are some questions to help you.

Why is Facso (and a number of faculties at U Chile) on strike this week?
How do you participate in these strikes?

What benefits do you think will be obtained?

From your experience, what are the drawbacks of these strikes?

Can you think of other means that can contribute to obtain what you (students) are after?
Write a minimum of 200 words and 3 comments.

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