Tuesday 30 April 2013

Up in arms! Post May 2

Hi guys,
Today we read a piece of news about the banning of miniskirts in Korea. I personally find this kind of prohibition crazy. There is so much happening in this world, there are so many things which are unfair that worring about how people dress is a joke to me. I am sure in Korean women are well pissed off.
So today I think it would be good to write about something that gets us "up in arms".
I could give you some examples:
I get "up in arms" when I see people being nasty or arrogant to others. I get slightly upset when adults are being stupid  and don't want to admit it until it is too late. I also get up in arms when I see we have a state that only benefits entrepreneus and not citizens (in many ways)
I suppose there is no point in getting upset. We need to let people make their own choices.
Write about something that gets you up in arms.
Is there anything you find unacceptable?
You can refer to laws like the one passed in Korea about miniskirts or a different one. You can refer to a personal experience or someone else's.
Refer to
What exactly is it that makes (or made ) you angry?
Why ?
What do you think you can do to overcome negative feelings or to change things?
Include any other other information you find relevant.

Write  a minmum of 180 words
Write a minimum of 4 comments.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I think is very good let people make their own choices to.
