Thursday 11 April 2013

I love the internet.I love the fact that I can learn about anything I am interested in or just ask about particular things. I spend some time on the internet every day. I use google a lot, I use gmail, youtube and facebook sometimes, etc.

I am interested in politics even though I despise most politicians. Politics is present everywhere and in all areas, and I suppose I became interested the day I realized how Education was affected by political decisions. How educational research to a large extent was determined by the administration at the time.

A few years back, I was reading about genetically modified food and found a website by chance. The site is www. I liked it immediately because it showed news about communities and ordinary people, about decisions taken and affecting a lot of citizens. I like to know about the people in general and not just about those around me. I like to see articles about issues that do not appear in mass media.I visit this website once a week and look at interesting articles. Another website I like is www. This website shows a lot of serious journalistic research that would never appear on TV. A friend of mine told me about this site by chance. I visit it every two weeks more or less.

Write about a website you like. Why you like it. How you discovered it and how often you visit it.

Write a minimum of 160 words. Post 1 comment on your teacher’s blog and 2 comments on 2 different classmates J


  1. Hi my dear theacher , i hope you enjoyed this class as i did it. See you next class.

  2. I also know both websites , are really interesting because both shows really important information. And information that not always is easy to get.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I seed the website I think ss very good. Thanks for de information and thanks for the link of the dictionary it has been very useful.

  4. You are really smart and curious person, that’s cool. I will visit both websites you mentioned. Thanks a lot

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The internet is really cool, but if only don't spend all day on it.

    See you next class.

  7. I like the website ciper chile. The other day I read newspaper about the social inequality, "La parte del león: cómo los súper ricos se apropian de los ingresos de Chile".

  8. these are many interesting web sites, I like it too!

  9. Hi teach:
    I like her blog. Exist a new web site, where one can see the connection in politician and entrepreneur, how is new don´t have all the information, but allow through that an network theory basic, allow see ones connection.

  10. Hi teacher!

    I just read your post, and visit both website you mentioned. I hope you see the blogs that i was recomend in mine.

    see you on thuesday =)

  11. Hi teach!

    I like the websites that you suggest us, these are very interesting and necessary to inform us about the other side of the public opinion.

    See you on the next class.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think that internet could be very useful but only if we don’t lose the time in some webpages jajaja I’m going to visit the webpages that you suggest goodbye
