Thursday 25 April 2013

Today we have a free topic. 
I am going to write about something I like and something that makes me happy. “Plants”.
I have always wanted  to live out  the city but the possibility to buy a house is becoming less and less of a chance, so in 2011 started growing stuff  on my balcony.  I decided on this after watching a documentary called “food inc”. In this , they speak about how very few corporations have become the owners of all food.  I started reading about the pesticides and which vegetables tend to absorb them the most (it is the green ones!).  Since I have always been a city person I went to a “vegetable workshop” and after that, I bought all the necessary elements for  this. Pots, soil, and other stuff.
The first  seeds I got were for tomatoes, spring onion and chives. Later I got coriander, parsley and lettuce . Nowadays I have also Matico, llantén and a lot of flowers.  I like flowers with loud colors.
I like the idea of growing stuff without chemicals. It tastes different. It tastes good and it is cheaper :)

I also have a lot of worms for hummus (natural fertilizer) in case you want some...


  1. I like the plants too, my uncle has a vegetable patch and every time i go to his house , i take a look of it.

  2. I love plants too. My grandma and grandpa live in a little piece of land in the hills of "El Tabo". They seeded a lots of kind of flowers, even we have one kind of flower that are the heritage of my great-grandmother. When I moved to my old apartment, my grandma gave to me a lot of plant and herbs, that I used have in my balcony like salvia, oregano, eucalyptus, mint, mellisa, chamomile and some flowers too, but, when I moved from there, i gave the plants to my old roommates.
    When i find new place i'm going to ask you for some worms..=)

  3. Hello miss I Kwon about a course that you can learn about organic agriculture. The course will be next to the university, in Doctor Johow 889 A – Ñuñoa, the date is Sunday may 5, at 10:00 am (the places name is“Tierra Viva”)

  4. hi:
    I am always have a planter with lettuce. Yesterday in Artv channel I watched the film "the world according to Monsanto". it`s very interesting and the Monsanto is macabre.

  5. Really, I like so much it, I hope someday do it and I take care my health and diet.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a coincidence!
    Last week with my mom and sister decide to have our own garden. We bought lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and a lot of herbs.
    Cultivate what you eat is the best option

  8. It's very entertaining! The fruits and vegetables when they grow without chemicals, those are very different! I had a vegetable garden (maybe in my house, we will make a new) and I harvest tomatoes with a incredible flawor: I never had eaten a tomatoes that! It´s very different the flawor of vegetables grown for one!!
