Friday 19 July 2013

Hello blogheads,

Today's task is related to our culture.

In your opinion, who is the greatest Chilean of all time?

Who it is,

What he/she did,

Why this person's deeds are important,

What question you would like to ask this person if you met them.

Mention anything else you think is important.

Write a minimum of 200- 250 words and comment on ALL your classmates' blogs.


  1. dear teacher, I can't write on all my classmate's blogs if there are not new posts :D
    I write about Nicanor Parra you can read my interesting words as always . I know you want to

  2. Hi Beatriz, finally I finish all my blogs, but I posted in any old post os my classmate, the last was't ready.

  3. PS: I need worms! Can you give me?? one of my best friend need for his orchard. write to me please.

  4. PS.2: this count like a post? kjajajja

